TimeCrafters Analytical Engine
Looking for the TimeCrafters Analytical Engine Companion?
The TimeCrafters Analytical Engine is an Android application designed to aid teams in tracking matches and scouting teams.
Download/Source Code/Issue Tracker
No Teams List imported
This is what you'll see when you first open the app. Buttons are disabled until a teams list is imported.
List imported
This is what you'll see when a teams list is imported, the selected list will be remembered in the future.
Home - Team Statistics
This shows the selection menu that appears when you touch the Team Statistics button.
If the team number is green there is scouting data stored and if the team name is orange there is match data stored.
Team Statistics - Scouting Data
This is what you when you select a team from the Team Statistics menu.
Here it is showing the teams Scouting data, if any.
Team Statistics - Autonomous Match Data
This shows the teams Autonomous period match data, if collected.
Match Tracking - Autonomous
With no selected team
This shows the beginning of tracking a match, all buttons are disabled until a team is selected.
Match Tracking - Autonomous
With a team
This shows Autonomous period match tracking with a selected team.
Match Tracking - TeleOp
This shows the Teleop period of match tracking, ensure the 'Save' button is pressed to store data.
Scouting - Autonomous
This shows Scouting for autonomous period, prior to a team being selected.