Meet the Team


Cayden the Builder
Believed to be a humanoid biped.

Levi the Builder
Return of the Voxel.

Spencer the Programmer
Spencer was once a slave to his mortality, going every day to his education center with only thoughts of his impending doom. But now that he has awoken his third eye he can finally stop being fixated on mortality and ask the real questions. Now Spencer spends his time pondering if's and else's in the hidden caves that the Java monks once carved with their custom keyboards and holy gaming chairs.

Scott Badger the Electical Engineer
Scott grew up on a resort building cabins. He went to North Dakota State University in the late 90s discovering his love of math. His first job was as an electrical design engineer for Intelligent Lighting Controls. In 1995 he became a test engineer for Trane BAS. He currently works for Boston Scientific as a component engineer developing pacemakers, defibrillators, and heart vision systems. His wife and 4 children live in North Branch, MN with a daughter presently involved with robotics. His favorite past-times include camping, skiing, hiking, Bible study, any board game, and scuba diving. It has been his honor to work with this very talented group of future engineers. They have learned Java, web development, 80x20 x-bar assembly, drafting, and foremost teamwork!
Matthew Larson the Chief Technology Officer
Matt has been the emperors translator of holy texts for five years. He only takes on the task of translating the most dangerous languages that would melt the mind of any mortal. Though after losing a battle to a man with undisputed Jenga powers, all his worldly possessions were taken. This is because he did not translate the mans dialect correctly and understand the rules of the game. He has now left his emperor and pledged his life to teaching the young these mind boggling languages. So that they may not make the same mistakes as he has.

Luke the Engineer Upstairs.
As a past member Luke has obtained the SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE. Will he share them with the team? Will he end famine, war, and disease? Only time will tell......but for now Luke takes part in passing down the holy arts of CAD and their benevolent powers.....
Retired Team Members

Aidan the Builder
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal

Alexandar the Builder and CADer
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Aubrey the Builder and CADer
Aubrey is a master of the mystical arts. Using her knowledge of the OwO and UwU techniques she has surpassed her predecessors and plans on taking on the mentor Luke in a magical duel that will change our world as we know it. For now she goes out on a quest to find the sacred artifacts that will help her in this battle. The holy model, the java scroll, and the stones of documentation.
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal
2021-2022 • Freight Frenzy
2022-2023 • POWERPLAY
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Erik Badger the Chief Executive Lead Programming Designer
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery

Luke Badger the Engineer Upstairs
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE

Ben the Bearded Builder
The farm was quiet that night of September 23, a cold soft breeze rustled Bens hair as he gazed at the planes of wheat he had worked hard to cultivate. A golden glow illuminated his face from the light reflecting from the sun onto the moon and then onto the wheat to his face. Everything was still in that golden glow, still and peaceful. Ben sighed and felt at peace. But that peace wasn't long lasting... The gold turned to red as from descending from the the moon was Dan with his hand outstretched inviting Ben to play Jenga. Will ben accept this challenge?
"Interesting" Ben 2023, before corruption
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Cayden the CAD Designer and Builder
Cayden has devoted himself to the scriptures of CAD, working night and day to facilitate the moment of his ascension. Once he has ascended everyone will look upon him and turn into statues of salt for the light of his glory will be too much for their sinful natures.
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal
2021-2022 • Freight Frenzy
2022-2023 • POWERPLAY
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Connor the Corrupted Builder

Dan the Builder and CADer
Dan has studied with the giant dwarfs learning their techniques of metal working and their secrets of Jenga. He uses these skills now to amass political power in the Jenga world so that he can create the largest Jenga tower in existence. Once this tower falls the sixth extinction begins.
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal
2021-2022 • Freight Frenzy
2022-2023 • POWERPLAY
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Tyler Dennis the Lab Notebook Coordinator and Builder
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q

Faith the Lab Notebook Coordinator and Builder
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE

Ga-Be the Blog Updater
Mr. Gabe A, used to find happiness in the small things, tightening bolts, designing parts and fabricating them. But now that he is older his lust for challenge has far exceeded the capacity his body can take. The only way he has kept his slowly deteriorating body alive is through BEEF and designing planetary gear sets without the use of math.
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal
2021-2022 • Freight Frenzy
2022-2023 • POWERPLAY
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Sam Goulet the Team Outreach Coordinator and Builder
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q

Gideon Harrington the Builder
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q

Dylan Hartmann the Builder and Coder
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery

Hayden Hartmann the Builder and CAD Designer
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery

Mason Labarre the Unkindled
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery
Matthew Larson the Web Master and Programmer
2015-2016 • Res-Q

Nathaniel the Wzd. in Training
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal

Olivia Palme the Wildcard
Olivia rests in the quarries of marble and lapis, using these stones she carves out the stones of documentation. Someday she hopes for the hero of time to come and take these stones. Using the stones to their full power the hero will vanquish mentor Luke and finally end the era of over documented CAD.
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2021-2022 • Freight Frenzy

Simon Robins the Ambassador
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q

Sodi the Quark
"For science...." Sodi whispered under her breath while writing the code for her next invention. Sodi is a scientist working on bringing down Dan's Jenga tower safely so that the world of science and the actual world may survive it's impending doom. Working day and night with the elder master Matt she learns the ways of writing the sacred language of Java. But Dan has taken notice of their scheme....
2022-2023 • POWERPLAY
2023-2024 • CENTERSTAGE

Thomas the Builder
2018-2019 • Rover Ruckus
2019-2020 • SKYSTONE
2020-2021 • Ultimate Goal

Trent the Builder
Trent is our newest Padawan to the ways of the TimeCrafters. He has armed himself with the tools of the trade: hex-key-drivers, nut-drivers, and the wrenches of 5.5mm. He will be apprenticing himself under the careful tutelage of the building clan. As he follows the strict guidelines of the Master/Padawan relationship, we will see his powers of the design grow until he too joins the rank of Knight.
2022-2023 • Power Play

Elijah Valine the Programmer and CAD Designer
2014-2015 • Cascade Effect
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
Retired Mentors

Andrew Hartmann the Mentor
2015-2016 • Res-Q
2016-2017 • Velocity Vortex
2017-2018 • Relic Recovery